To make the font size for the title of your featured hot deal the same size as the rest of the deals you have to put HTML coding in front of it.It is <font size=3> and then you have to close it after the text by putting </font size>
EX: <font size=3> Featured Hot Deals!!! </font size>
you would see Featured Hot Deals!!!
To Change the color to red you put <font color=red> in front of the text and to close it you put </font color>
EX: <font color=red> Featured Hot Deals!!! </font color>
you would see Featured Hot Deals!!!
To make the font big and a different color you can just put in both HTML codes.
EX: <font size=3> <font color=red>Featured Hot Deals!!! </font size></font color>
you would see Featured Hot Deals!!!